Where has the time gone to?

Hello earthlings;

One day I was Seven years old with a dream of becoming a rock star (HAHA) and then the next, I am out of university, enter the workforce and starting up a life of my own. I had a hard time grasping where the time went and how time flies by. Perhaps, time is just a made up thing to explain why everything keeps moving.
I know I haven't lived long enough to truly ask where the time has gone, however, being a married woman and house owner right now (whut? I am too young for this adulthood (!!!) ), I find myself faced with this question often enough. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE TO?!

Dustyconfetti is a platform where I want to track my time and to see how much I have grown at the end of 2018. Hopefully I will be able to see the various stages of maturity .

Forgive, Let go, Grow 
( I always pray for strength, the ability to forgive, my own peace and healing will infuse my soul with a fortitude that I may not have thought possible) 

As I go through life, I experience negative things done to me by others. Over time, I experience more and more trauma at the hands of people that made me learn to hold grudges and use it as a defense mechanism. I become cold and callous, and have a hard time trusting other people.
I hold on to these feelings of hurt and anger because since I was wronged in some way, naturally, I will find it hard to forgive the wrongdoers. I am only human, not a saint. Forgiveness may be the last thing on my mind. But all hope is not lost. Through forgiveness, I hope to attain that childlike selfless love again. Forgiveness is also not forgetting. I was raised to believe that you "forgive and forget" but these two have nothing to do with one another. There is nothing wrong with remembering the wrongdoing, reflecting on it, and making different decisions. Forgetting is not a necessity to forgiveness. What is necessary is to be able to remember what has happened without feeling any resentment regarding the situation. (resentment is one of the most damaging of human emotions, sad to say)

In essence, I need to forgive for myself, not just for the wrongdoers. I will always keep that in mind whenever I started to peeved about someone or something that is no longer serving me. (in your workplace, family, friends, relatives etc, I believe I am not the only one who feel this way) Ken taught me that forgiveness is such an important tool in our constant growth in life. When we forgive, we let go, we create space for more wonderful, positive, new experiences in life.  Push through all negative emotions.
It is a wonderful feeling to be fully alive in this present moment, unshackled by the wrongs of the people/ past.

In 2018, I want to master the art of forgiving. 

I have chosen to forgive, learning let go and trying to grow..


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