Friday is here!!! I can finally have some well deserved rest after such a longgg and hectic week. Can't wait for work to end later! Ok. Gotta remove my mask now. Bye!
I love, love, love being married to Ken. I feel that he doubled up his love for me and I am being treated like a princess till date. I love the way he address me as 我的老婆, feels like the traditional way of addressee but I feel my sense of belonging. I absolutely adore him as my husband and love his imperfections perfectly. Our wedding dinner banquet at Shangri-La Hotel on 16th December was filled with much love and blessings. Can’t wait to write a proper blog post when I get back to Singapore. Just in case you’re wondering why am I blogging instead of having fun at Disney Sea, Tokyo, coz I am a sucker for rides . Hahahaha
Hello earthlings; One day I was Seven years old with a dream of becoming a rock star (HAHA) and then the next, I am out of university, enter the workforce and starting up a life of my own. I had a hard time grasping where the time went and how time flies by. Perhaps, time is just a made up thing to explain why everything keeps moving. I know I haven't lived long enough to truly ask where the time has gone, however, being a married woman and house owner right now (whut? I am too young for this adulthood (!!!) ), I find myself faced with this question often enough. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE TO?! Dustyconfetti is a platform where I want to track my time and to see how much I have grown at the end of 2018. Hopefully I will be able to see the various stages of maturity . Forgive, Let go, Grow ( I always pray for strength, the ability to forgive, my own peace and healing will infuse my soul with a fortitude that I may not have thought possible) As I go throu...
Hello everyone! Majority of the people voted (at instagram!) to read my wedding planning process and the details of vendors that I have engaged, so here it is. (Sorry that it took quite awhile because I have been busy settling down at my new nest!) Wedding planning : When I was a child, I always wanted to hold my wedding banquet at Shangri-la Hotel, no idea why but I just love that place. Ken made my dream come true and we decided to throw a grand wedding banquet since marrying is once in a lifetime. 😊 In the early stages of preparation, it is impossible to fathom how much work is involved and how many details need to be taken care of. Wedding planning was not an easy feat I must say; hectic planning and fickle decisions especially when two families are involved. We want to value their opinions, involvement and come to a mutual consensus; example, tradition and religion. It is hard to strike a balance but we are grateful that both set of parents are easy-going ...
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