Where has the time gone to?

Hello earthlings; One day I was Seven years old with a dream of becoming a rock star (HAHA) and then the next, I am out of university, enter the workforce and starting up a life of my own. I had a hard time grasping where the time went and how time flies by. Perhaps, time is just a made up thing to explain why everything keeps moving. I know I haven't lived long enough to truly ask where the time has gone, however, being a married woman and house owner right now (whut? I am too young for this adulthood (!!!) ), I find myself faced with this question often enough. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE TO?! Dustyconfetti is a platform where I want to track my time and to see how much I have grown at the end of 2018. Hopefully I will be able to see the various stages of maturity . Forgive, Let go, Grow ( I always pray for strength, the ability to forgive, my own peace and healing will infuse my soul with a fortitude that I may not have thought possible) As I go throu...